Certainly a dream of ours is to see.... The program could be a template model, I think, for other places and could be modified to fit other communities where exploitation is going on.
But let me talk a bit about Sacred Lives, which is a program that was just funded in October as a result of the child and youth care program. Sacred Lives is a program that will employ the alumni of the child and youth care program to go into the schools to deliver preventative workshops on exploitation to kids aged 10 to 17.
The experiential child and youth care workers will be talking to the kids about how to respect themselves and how to spot potential dangers. All of this is also coming from the teachings of the Miikiwaap , so all the workers have taken training. The cultural teachings are also brought into the workshops for the children. We're really happy about developing that program right now and hope to go into the schools next month to start delivering the workshops.
Yes, it's those voices, like I said before, the voices of the people who have been there, who have that life experience. They know best how to approach and talk to kids so they don't get involved.