We get our funding from the family violence prevention program, which is also funded by the Manitoba government. We don't get any federal funding at all.
Part of the problem, of course, is that when the women leave the shelter, sometimes they have absolutely no place to go but back to their abuser, back to their community. What we'd like to see is perhaps more work being done with them, just for the continuity and longevity of working with these young women.
Secondly, you'd asked a question earlier that I wanted to answer. It was about the non-aboriginal women coming to shelters. We do get a lot of immigrant women coming in--from Ethiopia and other places in Africa, from the Philippines, and so on. That takes up, say, 10% of our clientele.
To get back to how we can work with these young women, we do programs on domestic violence--how to see the pattern, how to break the pattern--but there are all the other things that come into play and that have been talked about around this table, including education, housing, and more mental health workers. Oh, my God, it's so hard to find somebody to help these young women who need that help right away. And most of them, if they do see a psychiatrist, are medicated.
So what we'd like to see is more work with these women for longer periods of time, and just generally more work with the family as well. If this woman is in a dysfunctional family, then there's work to be done in the family as well.