I won't take up too much time. I'll let others speak.
The cultural relevancy is really important for the organizations to offer the kinds of services they have, and it has to come from here. To parachute somebody in to help with the solution is not the answer. I think the experts have to be culturally sensitive to help, especially when you talk about mental health and those kinds of healing issues, and it is really difficult. But I guess what I'm trying to say is there are organizations.... You have Nishnawbe Aski who are trying to assist the communities. We have tribal councils that are working with communities. There are native women's...even though they may not be registered with the Ontario association, who are trying to help with that. What I'm trying to say is they have the answers, and they just need to be resourced. They need to be assisted in terms of some of the evaluations or the assessments maybe that need to be ongoing. But the bigger issue is that there's just no recognition, and there are no resources available, or there are very limited resources that really don't do justice to the victims who are out there.