There is a lot this government can do. I mentioned a lot of it in my presentation.
One thing is language programs. This Conservative government cut language programs for our communities. Language is the source of our identity. It's the source of our teachings. It's the source of our laws, our traditions, and our culture. When we have language, it strengthens our spirit, which is part of the process of healing. In healing our spirit, the language is a part of that, as I said, and is part of those teachings.
There are very specific teachings in our culture about respectful relationships. I had to relearn those, because my grandmother, who was in residential school, wasn't able to teach me. It is part of the responsibilities of the women to teach our young people and it is part of the responsibilities of the elders in our community to teach us about how we have respectful relationships with each other when we begin a relationship. That cycle of violence will end when we're taught about those respectful relationships and when we're taught about self, about our identity, and where we come from.
As I said in my presentation, resources are needed, very specifically for women and men in our communities, so that's healing services. The Aboriginal Healing Foundation was one of those foundations that was able to provide healing services and counselling services. Whether Health Canada can also be involved in being able to have those kinds of services continuously available to aboriginal women and men who are healing from violence....
There are resources needed for families of the missing, as I said, and families of the murdered. There are very specific needs for each of them. When you think about someone in your life who has gone missing, you want them to be home every day. You think about it every day. There's trauma every day. When you're in that traumatized life and trying to come to terms with the fact that someone has gone missing and they're not in your life anymore, you have loss and grief. Then, when they're found murdered, there's a whole process of grieving. Somebody you know is not in this lifetime anymore. But how? They've been murdered.
There's education. There's prevention. There's so much that can be done. We do know that these are occurring in our communities, but there's more that's needed.
I'll stop there.