Pauktuutit is very pleased that we've also developed an Inuit women and business program. Through the gracious funding of INAC it looks like this year we're going to be able to continue that training, as well as the establishment of an Inuit women's business network. From our perspective, we are assisting Inuit women in gaining the skills they need to become entrepreneurs to start their own businesses to gain those skills.
The one thing I want to say is when you look at Inuit women as a whole you see a group of exceptional, strong, well-informed women. Our current government has a very good example of that in Leona. We have Nellie Cournoyer. We have Mary Simon. We have Elisapee Sheutiapik. We have exceptional leaders and very, very, wise and brilliant women. It's a bragging right for us that they are the examples of how you can become a leader in your community and facilitate change.