We need to focus more on the healing aspect. I agree with having programs like this, province-wide. I'm glad you have one here. But we need to focus on the healing aspects so that aboriginal women and children, or whoever is being abused, can embrace their culture and who they are.
I'm a professional counsellor. I see aboriginal people transformed in front of my face when they start to identify. You know, we are human beings. We have a culture. Actually, the language embraces that culture. It's a living language. More programs like that need to be done. I'm talking about first nations people talking to first nations people--like myself. I come here and I use my music. It was a little bit scary, but at the same time that's who I am. That's who I am as an aboriginal woman. I do it through my music, my language, and my culture. I would not be at that place if I didn't have that healing, that contact.