The saddest story I ever heard was from a mother who gave birth to her baby and a worker came in and said, “I'll watch the baby and you can take a shower.” When she came back, the baby was gone. If as a mother you lost your newborn, you'd go crazy—and that is what happens. It's so inhumane; it's so wrong. We as women need to say in the strongest terms that the apprehension of children has to stop.
This conversation just began casually, and then I talked with her about the loss of a child and she told me the story. I have never forgotten it. What she did to try to cope was this. She was in Edmonton and she moved to Slave Lake. She had heard that the social workers were better in Slave Lake, and she did get her child back.
But to arbitrarily take a baby out of a mother's arms is just inhumane. It's not respecting what we as women recognize.
I think we have to bring this back to the table and deny the authorities that right.