Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Jennifer, I would like to go back to Bill C-31. That is where we see the importance of the education and awareness that you were talking about earlier.
After having consulted Quebec Native Women and all the aboriginal women's groups in Quebec, our caucus had decided to vote against Bill C-31. A few weeks before the final vote, aboriginal women's groups contacted us and said that they had changed their minds and that we had to vote for it. They said that, even if the bill affected only one or two children, at least they would be accepted and recognized by the community and would become full members of it.
It is very difficult. All through this mission that we have set for ourselves, we have heard a lot of stories that have made us understand how important it is for mothers and grandmothers to see that their children are accepted by the community. That is why we rose to vote for the bill.
You are telling me today that we should have voted against it. But we voted for it because that was what the communities wanted.
So where should we get our information from? How are we supposed to react? How do we know that we reacted correctly? I just don't know any more.
Personally, I do not like making decisions for other people. I would like to be sure that the decisions that are made come from the people I represent, and not from me.