It's a matter of resources and allocating funds to provide us with the tools and the necessary strategies to help people who are involved with family violence issues--to get in front of it so it doesn't become such a big, inordinate problem for us.
Again, it's a revolving door, a revolving cycle. There are breach issues. We spend an inordinate amount of time on these investigations and arresting people, only to find that they're released back into the community and breaching conditions continually. There are no preventative measures for the victim or the offender himself. Maybe he or she wants to make those changes. What can they do in the meantime prior to a trial, or something along those lines? The conditions that are just generalized and brought out for every case are inadequate. We have to look at it on a case-by-case basis, build upon it, and make it customized for the issues we're dealing with, for the family we're dealing with.
We are very busy. My section is very small and I need more people.