I understand it's not. I know it's not, but when you live in that and when you approach the police, and they say, “Well, you know, it's just....” That type of attitude helps to harvest even more of that. It gets to escalate. So if we can move toward zero tolerance, a true zero tolerance policy, because abuse is not just simply about the physical violence.... We know many, many women who have been beaten to where there is no spirit whatsoever left, and never have they been struck.
When we look at the physical abuse...we talk about domestic violence. When a man can threaten and insinuate, “Just go ahead, try and leave, I dare you”, and nothing is done, that perpetuates more of that cycle. It perpetuates an escalation of that cycle. If our women can have faith and go to the police and say, “This is what he said”, and there is a consequence to that action, that perpetrator feels a consequence to that action, that will help to eliminate that cycle. I know it's not the only thing, but that is a piece that we can work towards.