I concur with everything Kim is saying.
The other piece that needs to be looked at is systemic racism for aboriginal women and girls operating from within a system. When we look at the women who are incarcerated, we see that the vast majority are also there on breaches, because of the system that we have. I visit the Portage Correctional Centre in Manitoba. About 85% of the women are there on breaches because they don't have a phone--so they can't call in--or they can't go to an appointment that they have to go to, or the conditions that are placed on them or so unrealistic that it just further criminalizes. You can't get out of that system; once you get in, it's virtually impossible to get out. As well, it impacts upon their children: they don't have access to their children while they're in there.
It's quite a travesty that the vast majority of women who are incarcerated right now are there on breaches. We have to engage government and justice and all of those people in understanding this reality. I would say that a lot of people don't understand the reality that aboriginal women and girls operate within.
I'll leave it there.