In your brief you say that “...the child welfare system itself often does not have the mandate or capacity to directly address...[and]...we use a child welfare solution when the primary drivers are outside the child welfare mandate”. I understand that to mean that we're using apprehension and the child welfare system when the real problems are lack of decent housing, poverty, and substance abuse. As we heard in communities such as Iqaluit, there's a desperate lack of support and counselling services. In Iqaluit, in fact, the solution very often was to incarcerate.
The resources are clearly not adequate. There needs to be better coordination and more investment in communities, and an engaging of communities in regard to finding real solutions. The problems have been going on for generations, and the solutions are going to be difficult.
To what degree is INAC determined or prepared to provide that community with the resources it needs in order to deal with some of these problems?