--there are agreements with all the provinces and territories. We've arranged it such that they design and deliver those programs.
You sort of ask why we don't set parameters that say “thou shalt” do this or that. We do have some of those “thou shalts”. They are not this client group versus that client group; they are how many federal dollars there are per unit, for example, or “yes, we're open to energy efficiency”. There is accountability in terms of reporting and understanding what you're doing with the funds within that global framework.
But the real reason, frankly, that we don't set a “thou shalt serve this client group in this particular circumstance” to the degree we would have done, say, 20 years ago, is that the relationship is different. We partner with the provinces and territories. They come to the table. For every dollar we come to the table with, they come to the table with a dollar, and they're working to the degree they can to bring it to being as local as they can.
As we've heard others say in the room, the local community—