Thank you.
We've also been examining—and this, again, is for you, Kathleen—and have included, I believe, CEOs, senior executives, and in the case of your profession of law partners as still being non-traditional occupations or careers for women.
Quite recently, I read in a series of articles with respect to women in law—I believe it was in the Toronto Star—about how so many of them who are striving for the brass ring of a partnership found themselves hiding illness. They take vacation time for cancer or other serious surgeries and they keep it a deep, dark secret. In other words, they're not comfortable coming clean to get ahead.
Is there any way, based on the fact that you come from that profession, that we could address things such as this? I'm sure it's not just in the law profession. I'm sure it happens with senior bank executives and with the bigger corporations. I'm sure that women feel that same way too, that they can't confide in their employers.