Pursuant to Standing Orders 110 and 111, we have a certificate of nomination of Suzanne Clément to the position of coordinator, which was referred to the committee on Thursday, March 4, 2010. As you well know, the committee has 30 days within which to deal with this issue, so we are just within our timeframe.
We have present today, Suzanne Clément, coordonnatrice, chef d'agence Bureau de la coordonnatrice. We have Havelin Anand, director general of the women's program and regional operations directorate. And we have Cindy Paquette, director of the corporate services directorate.
We have the CV, and I hope all the members have it, which was sent to us by the minister's office in keeping with the rules.
We will give Madame Clément 10 minutes within which to present with regard to the position of coordinator. Then we will open it up to questions and answers.