Then in essence we'd be doing this in advance of our study of aboriginal women, and at the conclusion of this, and after we've reviewed this report, you're suggesting that we then go into this. Who knows how long this will take? This could be a difficult one.
We had a motion similar to this in front of Parliament, and Parliament voted in a certain fashion. I'm going to suggest that if we're going to study this, you're probably going to want a heck of a lot of days to hear testimony from a lot of people and you're going to be putting our violence against aboriginal women study on hold until September, because this will not be something that we'll deal with in two hours at one meeting. There will be a whole whack of witnesses who will want to come before this committee.
As a member, if this is what we're going to do, then I'm going to bring a very extensive list of people who should be coming forward. If people want to be heard, if we want to have something done properly....
We're inviting three ministers up here. We're attempting to tell the G-8 how they should do their business; we're attempting to influence how the other world leaders come to a decision with respect to internal health initiatives. If we are going to study this, great, but let's not limit it to one meeting. Let's clear the decks from now until the end of June, do it properly, and have a nice little report prepared for the three ministers who we're bringing in front of this committee in advance of the G-8. Let's do it properly.