I can say that we had a program in Ontario a few years ago called “Double the Pipeline”. It created more space in the universities and colleges for engineers and technologists, but they couldn't fill the spaces. There's no question that there are ways to teach, ways to mainstream technology, so that all students are exposed to technology and all students are taught math and science in ways that make sense to them. There is a lot of experience around experimenting with those kinds of pedagogies.
While making more programs available at the CEGEP and university level might be helpful and would make us happy, I would argue that the real issues are earlier in the pipeline, on the one hand, and among the employers, because you can put people through the programs, but if they end up with employers who are not supportive of women or with employers who don't deliberately attract women, then you're not addressing the problem.
I think that's part of the solution, but again I'd say, “Think pipeline”. Think about expanding the pipeline and plugging its leaks.