I'd come back to what I said earlier, which is to support the seniors in our communities. Although there are things out there like psychogeriatric resource consultants, community care access centres, and a lot of social agencies that support seniors, one of the things we hear is that there aren't enough people to support the seniors who are living in our communities, speaking from a rural perspective in the OPP.
It comes back to the whole thing that the four of us know: why don't people report? Let's say a senior is isolated or living out in the middle of the boonies, for lack of a better word. Her son is living with her as her sole support and takes her to get food or to doctors' appointments. He is also abusing that power of attorney, but of course that senior is not going to report it.
Having agencies and organizations that support seniors would have an impact, and could probably address it long before it even came to the level of a police investigation.