The program is directed towards girls, and we don't shy away from that. The content is very feminine and female directed; however, we do a lot of presentations in full group settings.
Really what we do is we try to engage youth leaders. In a high school setting, this is youth led, youth driven, and adult mentored. In a primary or grade 8 and under setting, it is an educator-driven program. We have two different target audiences who use the materials.
In the high schools, though, we rely on youth leaders. They have taken ownership of the program, and they take it to their school system. A lot of the resources we have are very much transferrable to various audiences. We have everything from the environment club to the self-esteem club for girls using the materials.
The traction has been incredible, but in a multi-faceted way. It's very much a spider chart right now, which we're doing a good job of monitoring, but it's appealing to many more audiences than we ever dreamt it would. The financial literacy one, for example, is easily transferrable into the boys' space, but it's still under the auspices of the Because I am a Girl initiative.