Sure. I think research is really important to be able to bring forward new information, to bring forward the factual basis, and to bring forward new discoveries and new information. Sometimes it takes the form of quantitative data, and sometimes it's in the form of voices, such as the stories of young women like Brigitte or others.
CRIAW has a long history of doing research on issues concerning women. For example, years ago we did a project called “The Body Image” that had young women write in and talk about their experiences as a young woman with their body and body image. It's all part of a process for them; I think of their change, their consciousness-raising, and bringing about change. For CRIAW, which partnered with Chatelaine, it was also advocacy. It was to say that there's a problem out here and there are things that need to be done. One is that we need to start talking about it as a society and whatever other actions need to be taken.
That's one example of what CRIAW has done with young women, but yes, generally I think that it's just very important to do the research, to bring forward new information, to bring forward voices, to point out what's not working—