I think what's even more compelling is that when you look at the census year over year or every several years, you see it's not getting any better, really. The census is also done in other countries. Canada actually is more flat, while the U.S. is actually going negative. In any case, it is pretty alarming.
As I mentioned in my opening comments, I think a lot of initiatives, both within government and within private industry, have stalled a little bit. We were making enough progress and we've plateaued. It is discouraging.
The Globe and Mail released the census for Catalyst on March 8, which was International Women's Day, and that was done on purpose. The article, for those of you who didn't have the opportunity to read it, suggested that more needs to be done and that while we're not ready to ask government for legislation that suggests diversity is a better way to run business and academia and government and so forth, it could be out there in the next few years.