Absolutely. Again, I mentioned the participation of women at the various levels of our organization. We do this because it's the right thing, but also it makes perfect business sense.
If you look at the communities we serve and you look at who makes a lot of the consumer decisions in the households, you will see that women are a very important component of our society, and I think that businesses.... To me, as I said, the astounding piece is the number of companies in Canada with no female officers. I find it, as I said, astounding that in this day and age and with the importance of women in our society, businesses aren't getting the importance of women as income earners and as consumers.
I absolutely believe businesses have a role to play. I find actually, in talking to a lot of my male colleagues who would like to see more women come up, that it's not because men don't want to see this happen. I do believe that. I just think it's hard, again, to create those types of environments where women feel they are part of something important and that it's worth the trade-off of the hours and hours you have to put in to be good at what you do.