Okay. I have almost finished.
Community and economic development requires long-term strategies to increase economic, human, and cultural capital. Therefore, governments must increase investment and access to training and development programs and services in both traditional and non-traditional fields. Governments and business must commit to the engagement and active participation of aboriginal women and girls in leadership and decision-making roles, and in the promotion of economic development to achieve sustainable economic outcomes for all members of aboriginal communities. Government should conduct a cultural and gender-based analysis of community assets and developmental funding at the federal level to evaluate access and outcomes of funding; implement equitable and/or increase funding opportunities for aboriginal women in programs like the aboriginal business development program and aboriginal procurement strategy; and measure gender equity in a consistent manner and analyze data disaggregated by age and gender using a gender analysis method.
Regrettably at this time, NWAC cannot pursue further activity in the area of economic development because of a lack of resources, financial as well as personnel, at the national as well as regional levels.
Thank you. Migwech. Merci.