Shannen Koostachin said that she saw children as young as grade 5 dropping out because they had no hope.
I think if you were to imagine you or your family growing up in a community where people are living in tents, where there's one potable source of water; where you get two buckets, one for sewer and one for water; where your school is sitting next to a toxic waste dump, you could understand why hopelessness sets in as young as 10-years-old. But it's also made worse by the multigenerational impacts of residential schools, and in that regard, among the cuts that happened last year was the 100% cut to the funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. There's no real strategy that I know of on how to support the survivors of residential schools and to address the multigenerational impacts of residential schools that are very much alive in our communities.
I don't know if Claudette—