I am now going to deal with the matter of the devalued skills of immigrant women. For us, the situation of immigrant women specifically is important to discuss.
These women represent a growing population; however, they are underrepresented in the labour market and their rate of employment is much lower. Salaries are also lower and work conditions are less stable compared to immigrant men or women born in Canada.
The practices, rules and behaviours of the major players—the state, businesses, professional associations and universities—create these dynamics of exclusion.
The systemic discrimination we mentioned at the outset also affects young women in racialized groups who come to Canada in large numbers. For us, it is important to pay particular attention not only to sexism, but also to racism. Too often, racism and sexism intertwine to create major employment access obstacles for immigrant and racialized women.
The last aspect, though not the least, is the balance of work and family life. Establishing and maintaining a balance between work and family life remains critical in providing and maintaining access to employment for women. At the Université de Sherbrooke for example, a study conducted by the Research Chair in Taxation and Public Finance estimates that, in 2008, the subsidized daycare program in Quebec made it possible for at least 69,700 mothers to enter the job market. That is a considerable number.
So the program helps women to enter the job market, specifically young mothers and single mothers. This also contributes to the economic growth of the province. It is the kind of initiative that could inspire others, thereby increasing the equality of opportunity in terms of access to employment for all Canadians.
To conclude, we would like to remind you of our recommendations, in eight specific points.
First, to guarantee access to education for all, from kindergarten to university.
Second, to recognize and value the work of women in female occupations, in cooperation with public and private sectors, in order to achieve a genuine wage parity between men and women.
Third, we recommend promoting non-traditional occupations, gender-diverse workplaces and expanding career choices for girls, through, for example, awareness campaigns in high schools.
Fourth, for all businesses, the government must establish programs providing equality of access in employment and in federal contracts.
It must also support the Human Rights Commission in its role of monitoring those measures and doing more promotion of that program with entrepreneurs and businesses.
Next, the qualifications and skills of immigrant women must be recognized.
The involvement of fathers in domestic activities must also be promoted as a way to achieve a work-life balance; women must have access to employment specifically as the result of subsidized and accessible daycare services.
Lastly, the government must support organizations that stand up for the rights of women.
Thank you for your attention.