Of course, all the hassles that go along with school, a lack of income, and trying to raise a child at 14 years old when they have no idea how to go about it prevent young girls from positioning themselves in society, determining their real worth and finding a job that corresponds with what they like doing in life. I am saying this but, at that age, people do not really know yet what they like to do in life.
Young people have to grow up very quickly. We push them a bit to finish their studies at around the same time as the other students their age. However, I think that is a mistake. We should let them extend their high school studies over a longer period of time without forcing them into the adult education system. They could then stay at the same school and get the same general education as their peers to help them to get into CEGEP or university, while still having access to all the services for mothers, for example, daycare.