I think we also have to consider that it's much more complicated, too; there are also layers. Right now reproductive advocates are also looking at how violence against women and reproduction rights actually go together. A lot of the time, the victimization either starts or worsens because...whether that right is denied, whether that's by the partner or in some other capacity.
I think when we're talking about reproductive rights, we also have to realize that the existence of that right to choose and to have self-agency is always very important, especially when we're considering that sexual assault rates for young women are extremely high. Those women at the highest risk of being sexually assaulted are between 13 and...I believe it goes up to 25.
So to not have that right to be able to choose if for some reason they were to get pregnant is a really important piece of that whole puzzle in understanding what violence looks like in the lives of our young Canadian women.