It's extremely important to have access. One, it's supposed to be a legally protected right in Canada, but as I said, if it's a law in Canada, it doesn't actually mean that it's something that's accessible. So it can't actually be something that you have a right to if it's not accessible, or if you can't have access to it no matter how hard you try, because of the economic injustices I mentioned, but also because of your geographic location and so on and so forth.
It's important particularly for this study, though, because we can't look at economic prospects and development for Canadian women and girls without understanding that without having control of your own reproductive health, your own body, and your own choices, having full, true economic justice and economic prospects will never be achieved. We can't be worrying on the one hand about whether we're going to have control over planning our families or getting out of a violent or abusive relationship on the ground and also be trying to plan all of the other economic prospects that we say we want.
We have to actualize this stuff on the ground. I speak from the experience of being in northern, rural, and remote communities, where so much of the focus of these studies is urban based and doesn't speak to the reality that it might be a right but it's not accessible, and it's not happening on the ground.