I can suggest to you that for someone to come forward and complain of sexual harassment, I'd like to think that 99% of the time it took a tremendous amount for that individual to get to that point. I don't think, and I don't want to think, there would be frivolous complaints, but we all know there would be, and I'll say it's 1%.
It's getting women to be empowered enough. I say women, but I'm not sure it's only women we're talking about, not in the new world we live in. It's the whole issue of empowering those individuals to push back literally to the manager, to take things more into their own hands rather than to feel they're victims. There should be a mechanism for a much more upright, straight-on complaint, and that complaint gets resolved. Either the manager is moved or instructed in a better way of handing these issues rather than a woman having to feel as though she's a victim for this long period of time. It's the empowerment of women as well to be able to come forth with these things in a much more straightforward manner.
I know they're under-reported; we know that. As women who have worked in the workplace all our lives, we know it's under-reported because nobody wants to get into that. It's not something I think women want to start reporting. It takes a minimum of nine months, so it's not done lightly. Yet many of them would just prefer to quit their jobs and find another job where they're not going to have these kinds of difficulties. That happens a lot. You must hear it in your work.