There have been so few that I would hesitate to talk about trends.
In relation to harassment cases in general, even there I wouldn't want to say that I can see the whole picture just by the cases that come to us, because we have a very unique window. But in the cases that have come to us, I think we've seen things happen that give us ideas, as I said in the presentation, about principles that we think are really important in any system that's going to deal with harassment effectively.
I think training is a very big component, as is early resolution. Because we are at the appeal level, we see cases that have been in the system for quite a while. Just in reading the files, I see the toll that takes on all the parties—the person who complained and the person who's alleged to have harassed—and even on the work environment of those people. I think that is a key element: to ensure that harassment issues are dealt with effectively right at the outset. I think that's key.