As I said, I have read the report, and like you, I was disheartened by some of those comments. It's not pleasant to imagine somebody feeling that way in their workplace.
I don't know the sum of the comments and how many positive ones didn't make the report either, but I have to say that I agree not one thing will tackle this issue. The perspective of the RCMP is that there's a more holistic approach to this. When I say we're updating our policy, that's just one portion of it. That goes along with leadership demonstrated by the commissioner and by every senior manager. That goes along with other training: the new training and reinforcing the old training. That goes along with the critical mass of women, and these are just my words.
You alluded to an old girls' club. I don't know your exact wording, but a critical mass will get us there. I don't know what that number is exactly, but I do know that would be a room where everybody feels comfortable in the meeting, and that the power and balance is not necessarily with the man who is the most senior at the table, because in the future I don't think that will be. Based on everything we're doing, I think we will see a more balanced workplace and therefore a more respectful one.