The change requires far more than just leadership. It's a question of changing the management style, the culture, and the attitudes people have. We know the RCMP is not alone, of course, in these issues. All of the processes that are touted about all of the different ways in which you can do it—clearly, they haven't been adequate. No one wants to make these kinds of complaints. They know they are career-limiting. No matter how many laws we put in place, they are very career-limiting for anybody who starts to go forward.
I assume you both have a copy of the report I referenced earlier. It was done in B.C. by “E” Division. So you are well aware of the comments that are in here from the survey of existing members that was done. What they are asking for in here, what they are recommending, is the establishment of a confidential place to seek information and advice. There need to be awareness sessions, harassment prevention, and then an enhanced complaint and support process. There also needs to be true confidentiality so that women can come forward with these kinds of complaints and not feel they are going to be victims.
Could I get your comments on this report?