I have some empathy for Ms. Gutman's efforts in terms of this international network, because if we can't even get our own definitions tightly defined--and I'm not sure I even want to say tightly defined--in terms that allow the response to the research given to the caregivers, to the scientists, to the folks we ultimately ask to implement solutions....
I guess where I'm troubled is that if you look at this bigger thing--and internationally as well--it seems to be, from what I heard today, a hodgepodge of different definitions of elder abuse. As I listened to testimony...respectfully, I'm not even sure you even agree yourselves. I'm not trying to provoke, I'm just trying to understand.
Ms. Gutman, you said--and let me get it here, please, because I think it is important that I say this--“Elder abuse is...a women's issue”.
Ms. McDonald, what I thought I heard you say is that we don't know if gender is an issue.
How do you reconcile that? I need to understand that a little better. Could you help us clarify this, please?