Thank you, ma'am.
Similar to the public service in its reporting, we have exactly the same issues: trying to go to different databases to get the information. Without actually looking at every file, we don't know whether there is duplication or not.
As a result, about a year ago the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff stood up a working group to look at integrated conflict management for Canadian Forces personnel—not solely because of the data tracking, but data tracking was certainly one of the issues that we had leading to the requirement to study it.
We're looking at a system that's fairly complex, with multiple mechanisms, whereby it becomes a little bit difficult for the member at the lower end of the scale who is not quite au fait with all the policies to figure out where to turn.
What the working group did was look at the current mechanisms and the issues that are created by those current mechanisms. We're utilizing the business process redesign methodology to map out all of those processes and then to design a potential integrated process that at the moment would combine looking at harassment, grievances, and alternate dispute resolution and merging those three processes into one process, hopefully giving the member one single point of entry whereby they could go to talk to one person. That person would steer them through the most appropriate mechanism, of course starting with alternate dispute resolution as the preferred option.