Thank you.
Good morning. My name is Karol Wenek. As the director general military personnel, I'm responsible for, among other things, personnel policies intended to prevent discrimination and achieve equal employment opportunities throughout the Canadian Forces.
With me today, to assist in answering your questions on sexual harassment and related issues, is Commander Tony Crewe, director of human rights and diversity for the Canadian Forces. Also with us is Lieutenant Colonel Mark Gendron, director of law military personnel in the office of the Judge Advocate General. He is available to provide information regarding the legal processes and procedures that might be engaged in dealing with allegations of sexual harassment.
In the comments that follow, I will briefly address our policy framework, our definition of harassment, military statistics on sexual harassment, the training and education of military members, and some recent initiatives relevant to this topic.
The Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence have a joint harassment prevention and resolution policy that applies to both military and civilian personnel. The director of human rights and diversity, who reports to me, is responsible for the harassment prevention and resolution policy as it applies to military members.
The Canadian Forces policy on harassment was introduced in the 1980s and updated several times thereafter. The most recent version of the policy, dated December 2000, shifted the emphasis to prevention and early resolution through alternative dispute resolution and brought military and civilian personnel under the same policy. The policy's overall goal is to provide and ensure a respectful workplace by promoting the prevention of harassment and the prompt resolution of harassment complaints.
Although I am here this morning to speak specifically about sexual harassment, I think it is helpful to view our policy as part of a spectrum of Canadian Forces policies pertaining to sexual behaviour in the workplace. We have, for example, a policy regulating personal relationships and fraternization that is intended to preserve trust in the integrity of command while preventing the exploitation of junior military members and other vulnerable personnel.
Additionally, our sexual misconduct policy deals with behaviours that are either sexual in nature or committed with the intent to commit an act or acts that are sexual in nature and which constitute an offence under the Criminal Code or code of service discipline. These behaviours include offences such as sexual assault, indecent exposure, voyeurism, and acts involving child pornography. Our policy on harassment and sexual harassment falls somewhere in the middle of this policy continuum.
Harassment is defined as:
any improper conduct by an individual that is directed at and offensive to another person or persons in the workplace, and that the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It comprises any objectionable act, comment or display that demeans, belittles, or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment, and any act of intimidation or threat. It includes harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA).
We have no definition or policy specifically for sexual harassment.
Systematic information on sexual harassment in the Canadian Forces is derived in varying degrees from four data sources: our tracking system for internally filed harassment complaints, our alternative dispute resolution database, statistics on human rights complaints externally filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and periodic surveys of military members.
The harassment complaint tracking system is intended to capture all harassment complaints in both the Canadian Forces and the department. From 2002 to October 2012, there were 513 complaints by military members recorded in the harassment complaint tracking system. Of these, 31 or 6% were sexual harassment complaints. Of these 31 sexual harassment complaints in this 10-year period, 11 were determined to be founded or partially founded.
This is an incidence rate of about one a year in a military population of roughly 100,000 personnel. The remaining 20 complaints are either still open, were unfounded, were withdrawn, or were referred to the military police. When sexual assault is suspected during an investigation, these cases are automatically referred to the military police in accordance with the sexual misconduct policy I referred to earlier.
Of the founded complaints, 10 were by female members and one was by a male who filed a complaint against a male respondent.
For the founded sexual harassment complaints, the process to complete the investigation and resolution of the complaint took 90 days on average. The policy requires the responsible officers to finalize a complaint within 180 days.
In accordance with the current policy, there are consequences for respondents when complaints are determined to be founded. The most frequent administrative measure was to send the respondent on harassment awareness training, and the next most common action was a recorded warning. In some cases an apology was required, and in a few cases the offending individual was suspended from duty. In one case a fine was given, and in two cases the individual was sent on communications and leadership training.
Statistics on harassment are also kept by the director general alternative dispute resolution. However, it should be noted that while statistics are available on cases involving harassment, their database does not differentiate among categories—for example, sexual harassment. According to past issues of their annual report, they determined that the number of combined military and civilian harassment cases from 2002 to 2010 ranged from a low of 153 to a high of 382.
Statistics drawn from the human rights commission's complaints database for the period 2002 to 2012 indicate there were 196 complaints lodged against the forces, sexual harassment accounting for 13, or 6.6%, of all complaints. The latter involved two prohibited grounds of discrimination, namely sex and sexual orientation. Of the 13 sexual harassment complaints, eight were resolved by mediation, two complaints were dismissed, one was withdrawn as a result of the grievance process, and two have not yet been finalized.
In 1992 and again in 1998, a Canadian Forces survey on harassment was conducted, in which participants were asked if they had experienced harassment within the previous 12 months. In 1992, 26% of women and 2% of men believed they had been subjected to sexual harassment. In the 1998 survey, results showed a decline in the reported rate for sexual harassment, which was 14% for women.
The results of a 2012 harassment survey of regular force members are currently being finalized and will be available in the coming months. Subsequent survey research will focus on members of the reserve force and recruits and is scheduled to be conducted in 2013.
All Canadian Forces members receive elements of harassment prevention and resolution training at various levels of their professional development throughout their careers. Upon entry into the forces, both non-commissioned members and officers receive training on personal conduct policies. The intended outcome is adherence to the professional norms expected of military members. As part of this module, military members are taught that harassment, in any form, is inconsistent with national defence ethics, constitutes unacceptable conduct, and will not be tolerated.
As noted in the policy application, enforcement of the harassment prevention and resolution policy is a responsibility of leaders and commanders who are designated as responsible officers. Consequently, all new commanding officers are required to certify that they have read and understood the Chief of the Defence Staff's guidance to commanding officers. Among other things, this highlights their duties for harassment prevention and resolution, including their role as responsible officers for members under their command.
As part of our continuing effort to remind people of our policy on harassment, we released new harassment prevention posters this year and distributed them to all units in the Canadian Forces for display in common work areas. The messages are simple and straightforward, and the posters allow for the inclusion of local contact information.
By way of conclusion, the hard data portray a reassuring picture of sexual harassment in the Canadian Forces, in that the incidence of formal complaints, both internally and externally, is relatively low. Alternative dispute resolution statistics suggest there is a higher rate of harassment incidents, but if most complaints are being resolved through the options of self-help, supervisor intervention, or mediation, rather than through the more adversarial forms of formal investigations, that is also encouraging.
The decline over time in self-report survey responses of sexual harassment is also good news, but I hasten to add that two data points do not constitute a trend. Therefore, we look forward with interest to the next round of survey results.
This concludes my opening statement. Thank you for your attention.
My colleague will now proceed with her opening statement.