What we would do there depends on who that person is. If, for example, it's someone phoning in for information and becoming abusive, then usually you would deal with that by the person who's answering the phone and subject to that abuse turning the matter over to his or her manager to deal with it, if it's just a citizen, if you will.
If it is, for example, a case where it's maybe a staff member of an MP or a senator who is harassing, then in that case what would happen is that ordinarily it would be brought to my attention. I would bring it to the attention of—let's keep it within the House of Commons—the member in question to say that this had been raised as a concern, so that they at least would be aware of the situation. We would then look into it.
First of all, I have to say this is rare, but when it happens, members are very cooperative and anxious, of course, to get to the bottom of it. Then we take whatever steps are appropriate. It depends on where this harassment has taken place. Is the interaction between that administration employee and the member's employee, keeping that same example, a frequent interaction? In that case there has to be some kind of resolution worked out, because they're going to have to deal with each other on a frequent basis. If it's an infrequent thing or if it's a one-off where you have someone who has just lost their temper and said various intemperate things, then we can work on an apology or something of that sort.
It's really a question of bringing it to the attention of the employer, in the case of the MP, and then working out from the situation in question how best to handle it.