I was talking about the fact that there is a formal process for lodging a grievance, but then there are informal processes, the main one of which is Finding Solutions Together.
Very often as well, one of the things the training sessions try to do is alert managers to their responsibility to keep a very close, observant eye on what's going on in their environment, so that if they see that there is a likely conflict brewing between employees, they try to intervene at a very early stage. I think this kind of proactive taking of responsibility by managers is one of the big successes we've had.
Again, it's a case of awareness training, because people might use language that's offensive to other people without recognizing it; they might tell jokes that are offensive and not realize that this isn't 1946, that kind of thing. It really is trying to sensitize people in an environment, so that they will act in some sense, outside the parameters of the policy, just to do the right thing.