If the immediate attempt at fast resolution...because often it's an attitude, it's a culture in a department or an individual. That's just the way they are and they don't have that perception of what may not be offensive to them is clearly offensive to me or someone else. All the rules will not change that. When you are going through your hiring process and your interview process, how do you look for the kinds of sensitivities that are required when you're in the management level? How do you identify that? Sometimes it stands out and other times it doesn't. We often hear, especially in some of the things that we've heard, that some of the people you would least expect to be accused of sexual harassment are.
It is difficult to identify. If the individual doesn't want to come forward and lodge a complaint—and, I would say that people do not come forward and lodge these complaints easily—and if someone in a department observes someone else who is being treated disrespectfully, bullied, or whatever, in your policies are they encouraged or allowed to come forward and lodge a complaint on behalf of someone else?