Thank you to our panel for coming.
I found the information that you shared most interesting. I'm very impressed by the small number of harassment complaints that there actually is.
I'm going to ask a set of questions and I'd like both departments to respond to them, if possible. Some excellent questions already have been asked covering a variety of things, so I want to focus on the program and why it seems to be working particularly at Treasury Board where there has not been a complaint for 12 years now, and as well with Status of Women Canada where it's been seven years since there has been a complaint.
Obviously you're doing many things right to inform and educate your staff and to create a respectful workplace because you haven't had any complaints. We may even say that you are perhaps a model department.
Can you give me a quick overview, each of you, of your staff?
For Status of Women, you had some of those statistics in your presentation, but how many staff are there at Treasury Board?