One of the things we've done recently as a result of the workplace violence requirements under the occupational health and safety code is we've brought in brand new training for our employees, and our front-line employees specifically, to address situations they may encounter external to the workplace. We see this. Customers may be making unwanted advances towards our employees. We have women delivery agents who have been followed on their routes.
First of all, we make them aware that these situations are going occur. At the local level there are conversations with the individuals about taking precautions to protect themselves. That's very much in the training. It's being done in phases. We started the first phase last fall and it will go out more fulsome to all of the employees in 2013. It's very much about understanding the risks that exist in the workplace as they relate to sexual harassment and workplace violence, but also the means they can undertake to protect themselves.
The other thing we do when these incidents occur is we bring the police into the situation as well.