If there is an opportunity to glean even some numbers.... Obviously, you're echoing something we've heard from many other witnesses, that people are very reluctant to come forward in many cases. We understand that is the frame, but if there are any numbers that might be available, we'd certainly appreciate it if you could share them with our committee.
Let's quickly move on to leadership, or perhaps lack of leadership.
Ms. Turtle and Mr. Sharma, you both indicated very succinctly what you see needs to be done around changes to the law that governs federal workplaces. That's really what our committee is here to do, give recommendations of things the federal government can do. Of course, we'd like to see the Status of Women department take a lead role in this.
Are you seeing any leadership or movement on this from your standpoint? Is there an effort? Clearly you're calling for it, but are you hearing back from people that there is an interest in looking at changing the laws that govern federal workplaces to include a clear provision on putting an end to sexual harassment and violence in the workplace?
Perhaps Mr. Sharma and then Ms. Turtle could answer.