Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
And thank you to our witnesses for coming out again and taking the time to give us some insight into the kinds of challenges you face in a very difficult environment.
I'm going to try to separate my questions into two parts, because this is the federal workplace. Let's talk about the people with whom you work, not the inmates, initially.
You work in an environment of much bravado, I suspect, and that would have to be the way it is. Everybody who works for Corrections Canada in the prisons, with very tough people behind those bars, must think they're all pretty macho kind of people. I would think that would immediately set up an environment, when there are other women of equal rank, for a variety of inappropriate remarks and comments and so on. Logic tells me that, just because of who your other colleagues are.
What kind of exposure have you had? Or are you just tough enough from working in that environment that you simply roll with the punches, don't bother to lodge complaints against your fellow workers, and just shrug it off?