It's like anything else. I don't know if I put it in those terms, but the point is that in a lot of police departments across the country there's no specific group to deal with matters of elder abuse.
In certain police departments, like the Ottawa one--and there are three or four places in Canada--there are specific people who are trained to deal with the issue. Are there enough people? The standard answer is that there are never enough people to deal with these issues. Everyone will tell you that.
Speaking to the previous question, one of the things we found was that the legal system is so complex it scares certain older people from complaining and from going before the courts. They are scared of the system. So one of the things we mentioned in our report is to try to simplify this and make it more accessible for older people. As we heard, a lot of people were so scared of the legal system that they didn't complain about their abuse.