When we think of harassment, our perspective in human resources is the recipient of the message or the recipient of the action and how they are perceiving that action or that comment. That, for me, is the test. The other test is the test of the reasonable person, which we refer to in the language here. Ultimately, when an investigation is conducted, if there are witnesses, we will test whether they feel that the comment or behaviour.... All three cases we've spoken about today are all related to inappropriate comments. The breaches of behaviour are not more serious. They don't run the gamut of touching or more serious breaches of behaviour. In all three cases, we're talking about inappropriate comments.
When we do the investigation, if there are witnesses, we will test whether they felt that on reasonable grounds, those inappropriate comments crossed a line. Ultimately, the investigator, who we hope is an objective investigator, will make a recommendation or a finding as to whether a line was crossed. In all three cases, there was a determination that a line was crossed, and discipline was taken.