Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to be here today to discuss the main estimates and supplementary estimates (C) for Status of Women. I would like to thank all of you right off the bat for the great work you do on behalf of women and on this committee.
I'm joined by Suzanne Clément, our coordinator and the head of agency at Status of Women Canada, and Johanne Tremblay, our chief financial officer.
Our government is committed to bettering the lives of women and girls in communities across Canada.
Since 2007, I am happy to report to the committee, our government has now funded more than 600 new projects from coast to coast that support women and girls through the women's program at Status of Women Canada. Today, I know it would be important for you to know that almost half of this funding has focused specifically on ending violence against women and girls.
We've increased funding now to the women's program to its highest level ever. As you have seen in the main estimates, we are maintaining this level of funding.
I'm also happy to inform the committee that in the next fiscal year, Status of Women Canada will continue to focus on three priority areas that I know are also important to this committee: ending violence against women and girls, increasing women's economic security and prosperity, and encouraging women's leadership and democratic participation.
We have made a serious and strong commitment to ending violence against women and girls. We're taking action to protect the most vulnerable women in Canadian society: women in immigrant communities, women who are living in poverty, and aboriginal women and girls.
Over the last year, Status of Women has issued a number of calls for proposals that address this serious issue. These targeted calls have allowed us at Status of Women to focus on emerging and urgent issues and to expand our reach across the country and build relationships with new organizations, and at times we've been able to take a national approach to some of these issues. For example, our government is currently supporting 21 projects across Canada that are working to end violence against women on university and college campuses. These projects are addressing a wide range of issues, such as sexual assault and sexual harassment, and they are innovative because they're led by students themselves.
I'd also like to inform the committee of our most recent calls. We asked communities to work together to address violence against women and girls in four key areas: preventing and reducing violence against women and girls in high-risk neighbourhoods; preventing and reducing violence against women and girls in the name of so-called "honour"; preventing and reducing the trafficking of women and girls through community-based planning, to support our national action plan to combat human trafficking—there are 16 departments involved in that plan, and Status of Women is one that's supporting it—and engaging men and boys in ending violence against women and girls.
It's no coincidence that Canada's theme this year for International Women's Week 2013 was entitled “Working Together: Engaging Men to End Violence against Women”; that reflects one of our key areas. We believe that violence against women is an issue for all Canadians to address, women and men and girls and boys alike. We must all be part of the solution.
This is an innovative approach, and it has not only led to a call for proposals, but has already led to some really exciting and interesting projects. Nationally, we have supported the work of Canada's White Ribbon Campaign, which focuses on educating men and boys and raises public awareness to end violence against women and girls. We have also partnered with the Ending Violence Association of British Columbia and their innovative "Be More than a Bystander" campaign, which involves high-profile male sports figures educating young boys that violence against women and girls is not acceptable.
In addition, our government recently launched the End Violence Against Women and Girls resource website, which has information related to this specific topic. I would urge you to take a look at it and to share the website with as many people as you can. It's at
We are committed to ending violence against women, not only at home but abroad. Two weeks ago, I led the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, at which we focused our discussion on ending violence against women and girls, with many other countries. I co-hosted panels, with the United States specifically and also with Canadian non-governmental organizations, on violence committed in the name of so-called "honour", and as well on engaging men and boys in violence prevention.
I was pleased to be joined as well by Manitoba's minister responsible for the status of women, and by many other provincial ministers, at the panel on engaging men and boys in violence prevention. During the panel, we highlighted the Government of Manitoba's and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers' own “Be More than a Bystander” campaign. Using EVA BC's innovative model, which I mentioned earlier, the Government of Manitoba and the Blue Bombers are now also working together to engage men and boys to prevent violence against women and girls.
The second panel, on violence committed in the name of so-called "honour", was also very productive and well attended. It included international experts from Great Britain and the United States and Canada's own Aruna Papp, with whom many of you are familiar, who was part of our own Canadian delegation.
Of course, our government has made our position clear on the topic of violence committed in the name of so-called "honour" by clearly condemning the practice in our new citizenship guide, but also by being the first government to provide funding specifically for immigrant women's organizations across the country while they tackle this very complex issue.
At the UN we also endorsed the COMMIT initiative put forward by UN Women asking governments everywhere to be part of global efforts aimed at ending violence against women and girls.
Our government recognizes that women's safety goes hand in hand with their economic prosperity.
In fact, economic insecurity prevents women from leaving abusive relationships, unsafe neighbourhoods, and substandard housing. It also prevents women and girls from developing their skills, furthering their education, and advancing their careers. At Status of Women Canada this means advancing women in leadership roles in all sectors of our society and increasing their economic security. Last year we issued calls for proposals across the country for projects that encourage girls' leadership and work to increase the economic prosperity of women in rural and remote communities.
In addition, through our economic action plan 2012, we are creating an advisory council of leaders from the public and private sectors to promote the participation of women on corporate boards. As McKinsey and Company, Credit Suisse, Catalyst, and others have made clear, businesses with more women on their boards are more profitable and routinely outperform those with fewer women. The council will help us increase the number of highly qualified women directors. In so doing, we will raise the profile of Canadian women's corporate excellence and leadership.
Such women leaders can also serve as role models and mentors, inspiring young women to set their sights on acquiring the education and skills they need for future success and prosperity. It's clear that increasing opportunities for women to serve on corporate boards makes good business sense for Canadian women and for Canada's economy.
So as we move forward Madam Chair, our government remains committed to ending violence against women, increasing their economic prosperity, and encouraging their leadership.
This year, as you've probably noted, $29.6 million is being allocated to Status of Women Canada through the main estimates. The majority of this funding allocation will be for grants and contributions under the women's program. Supplementary estimates (C) reflect a transfer of $83,333 from the Department of Justice to help fund a project by the Centre d'expertise en agression sexuelle Marie-Vincent that will serve victims of sexual abuse. This funding will enable us to add to our growing list of promising initiatives that help create positive, concrete change for women and girls in every region of our country.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you very much for your attention and for giving me the opportunity to share with you some of the great work that Status of Women Canada is doing.