I can start. We explored a model here in London, which would have been at a municipal level, not a federal level, but I think the model could work. We were asking if a number of workplaces could come together, a number of federal workplaces, to actually provide funding for an office and staff. These people would be well versed in labour law and human rights law and would understand the dynamics of sexual harassment. They would be independent, but funded perhaps by the group of workplaces that would need to use them.
There would have to be a reporting structure, something that's maybe similar to what Sandy was talking about in the university, so there's not a reporting to middle managers, but rather reporting directly. That could be to the Prime Minister. This is a very serious issue, and if we want to show how seriously we're taking it, we need to set up those kinds of structures.
That's an idea I have, and I think that if you were to set up something like that, you could certainly look to experts in the field for advice, for input, and for direction. I know that many people would be happy to sit down and think about how to structure something like that in a way that would really make the most sense.