It's very important to have the policies and procedures in place, and in many ways that's the first step. I think in this day and age most companies, especially our large companies, have good policies and procedures in place. Do they work all the time? No, but there's the fact that companies in some ways are able to handle the complaints within their workplaces, and we do have companies with large policies.
What are some of the best policies that I've seen? I think we have a number of our large Canadian companies that have very good policies. I'm hesitant to say this is a really good policy because I don't know if there's exactly the perfect policy.
What I will say is that both the Ontario Human Rights Commission and Canadian Human Rights Commission have good guidelines and recommendations for what should go into policies. I have not recently looked at the Canadian Human Rights Commission website but I know that over the years, most importantly, they've had guidelines for small and medium-sized businesses. In some ways I'm less concerned about our large corporations because I think many of those have had to deal with this and already have very strong, detailed, and lengthy policies in place.
But where there are concerns are within our smaller businesses and medium businesses where they don't have HR departments, where they can't hire lawyers. Those are some of the places where we also need to focus our attention on the kinds of policies that are appropriate for those. It's not necessarily a case of one-size-fits-all with policies. But I think—