Professor Berdahl, your description of the individuals who tend to be the victims of harassment, whether male or female, describes very well, I think, members of the RCMP in particular. You talked about individuals who are outspoken and assertive. That's very much, I would suggest, what we've seen among women who are showing leadership in those areas, by joining the RCMP and advancing their own careers and being harassed by many of their fellow managers and so on. Yours was a perfect description of what we have heard in the case of the RCMP.
You mentioned the lack of leadership as well and said that it's a case of setting the tone to change the culture.
That's very difficult for an organization to do. Do you have anything else to recommend, over and above the comments you have made, that would deal with this kind of institution, which is male-dominated and highly respected by all of us, and which is struggling to make the changes? Have you had a chance to review any of the information they have put forward as to the kind of changes they plan to make within the organization?