Yes. For the higher ranks, the commissioned officer rank, inspector up to commissioner, I don't have the number right in front of me. I did mention it earlier. It's in the material I provided to the clerk. I believe it's something like 14% versus 20% overall in the organization.
For example, we have four deputy commissioners and one is female. We have x number of chief superintendents and so many are female. To get to those levels, you often have 25 to 30 years of experience. Given that at one time we hired a few women a year, and then more a year, a generation.... Some from 1974 have retired, or the vast majority have, but that bubble is getting bigger.
As time goes on, as those females are getting up into more experience and years in the organization, they are starting to emerge more and more at the higher levels. Our previous commissioner, two back, was female. That was Gwen Boniface. We've had a number of deputy commissioners who have been female.
Other than that, it's hard to give you any definitive statistics on top of what I have presented.