Once it's filed it goes right to that area within our career development bureau in our human resources section to an area where that's all they do in their work. I shouldn't say that's all they do, but it's a big part of what they do. Sometimes it's very obvious that it is fairly minor, to use that word, even though some would say none of it's ever minor. Sometimes it's very obvious that it's more severe. It may even be criminal harassment like actually following someone around or something like that. Depending on the decision then in terms of can it be handled in a more informal way versus to go for full investigation, that decision is made. If it goes for a full disciplinary investigation there may be charges laid and then it would go to our professional standards bureau, but the stats and the tracking are still kept in the human resources section.
If there's a grey area there and they're not sure, the two entities meet and they make a decision based on past practices and experience. They will then have a discussion as to who is going to handle this: is it a WDHP complaint that can be resolved, or is this clearly something that violates a code of discipline where they may have to be demoted, or potentially cede their job, or there may be a criminal charge of some sort. But the narrow part of the hourglass becomes still our human resources section within our career development bureau. That's always the go-to place.